Return To Fencing

Thank you everyone for being part of the TFA Family during this incredibly challenging time. Thank you to all our fencers who followed us through our online classes and workout sessions. We are moving into another new and uncharted time, as we look towards a Return to Fencing and the re-opening of our doors. We challenge you though, that this return will not be to the same circumstances and protocols that we used to have. Public health guidelines and common sense dictate that we change how we operate. With great care, deliberation, and consultation, the TFA staff has put together the following protocols and guidelines for our return to the club. We ask everyone for your support as we navigate these uncharted waters. We CAN return, but only if we work together as a community.

These policies will be continually updated as USA Fencing and National, State, and Local governments evolve standard operating procedures for businesses and especially sports facilities. The knowledge and circumstances around COVID-19 are changing constantly and, as such, TFA makes no representation and assumes no responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of this information. Further, you should seek advice from medical professionals and/or public health officials if you have specific questions about your return to training and competition.

All persons entering the facility must complete the COVID-19 screening questionnaire and send it to the staff BEFORE arriving.

Anyone training or present in any capacity at TFA MUST wear an unvented face mask to prevent asymptomatic spread. You can use any unvented face mask that covers both the mouth and nose and will stay in place during training. 

Per USA Fencing requirement, every fencer who fences at the club must be a member of USA Fencing

 Summary TFA Protocol


  • Athletes allowed at the club, working in their own space, face masks required at all times.
  • If we exceed a comfortable level of fencers in the room at any time we will ask their +1s(parents/spectators) to watch remotely and launch a zoom session of the room where parents can watch from their car. 
  • Face Coverings are required for all persons at all times. Period. There is no discussion on this matter.
  • All persons must have their own gear to participate in any pods.
  • Bring Sanitizing Wipes.
  • Bring your own water. 
  • Before entering the club everyone should wash his/her hands downstairs. 
  • Once upstairs, every one should check his/her temperature using the touchless station . Temperature will be logged in.
  • When leaving the room, wipe down you station, chair and everything you have touched.  



email – [email protected];

phone 512-496-9022

Detailed TFA protocol. Subject to changes.